Thursday, July 29, 2010


It's been on my mind for while now and i dont know what got into me today but i finally decided to create a blog page.  So far it seems exciting and i can't wait to really get into it and WRITE! WRITE! WRITE! , hopefully someone reads my stuff and comments. I'm pretty sure if i really keep up with this i will look back at this post and delete it because it will seem so lame compared to what i will be writing in the future.Then again, i may not, its always good to know where you came from.
I'm young, i love to write, especially poetry and i think i'm blessed in many ways but i'm just having a difficult time realizing that. Maybe it's because i am originally from Africa and i've been here for a while or should i say almost all my life. Poverty is so usual and corruption is way too high for me to think i am blessed, that would just be selfish. I have no idea where i am going with this but hopefully this makes sense to someone.
So i woke up this morning and decided to create a blog page, im lacking direction and hope. I'm hanging on one thing... and that is someone out there will read my blog and tell me something. If not, im just gonna keep writing till it actually happens.
So I woke up this morning and i decided to express myself, hate it or love it, i am writing. Smile, its a beautiful day, lets celebrate life, no matter what. :-)


  1. I really enjoyed reading the posts on your blog. I would like to invite you to come on over to my blog and check it out. God bless, Lloyd

  2. Thank you...i will go read your blogs too..:) tc
